It’s been a great first week, and I’ve finally gotten settled into things pretty nicely here. I went out to the grave site of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, because it was about time.
It turns out there is also a nice little park around the corner from this site:

Of course, there's definitely no massive drip irrigation to keep it this green... or anything silly like that.
Today I got to sit in on one of David’s graduate lectures on the basics of solar cell physics. This brought the total number of students attending to… three! It was interesting yet palpable, even though it assumes a working knowledge of quantum physics, chemistry and electrical engineering (!). I then proceeded to bask in that precious stage of coding known as “slam your head against your monitor until the stupid mistake you made becomes glaringly obvious,” but even this did not reveal my error. Hopefully, it will be taken care of tomorrow.
For the remainder of the day, I worked with online Hebrew flashcards that can be downloaded into an excellent free language learning software program called Byki (by Transparent Language). Now all I need are some people to practice with… hmmm!
In other news, humus, falafel and pita bread are all tasty foods. That is all 🙂