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Archive for June, 2011

Welcome to the West Bank

June 12th, 2011 by sjh2

This weekend was literally a whirlwind of traveling and cultural immersion. Two graduate students at my campus are leaving Sede Boker for the hustle and bustle of North America (Toronto and Boston), and decided to invite me on their last trip to Haifa, where one of the students, Manar, has a home and extensive family all throughout the area.

First, let me say that the hospitality of this Palestinian-Israeli family was incredible (almost overwhelming!). We arrived around dinnertime, and I learned that Manar’s mother had spent five hours that morning preparing an elaborate meal for us guests! The food mostly consisted of beef, rice, chicken and tomato combinations, and was very delicious. It was also seemingly endless, and we were vigorously “encouraged” to eat so much that by the time it was over, I felt like I would be full for weeks.

View from the house's balcony of a street in Haifa.

The major surprise I received upon arrival was noticing how out of my depth I was when it came to speaking Arabic. Having taken a year of literature and having acquired a modest background in Modern Standard, I felt that I would be at least somewhat prepared to have dinner with an Arab family. Wrong. I was able to understand virtually nothing of the dinner table conversation (luckily Manar was happy to translate)! The main reason for this is explained by the order in which Arab students learn language in Israeli schools: spoken Arabic, Hebrew, written Arabic (Modern Standard) and finally English). So, it turned out the difficulty I had trying to churn out the correct MSA grammar was the same as what the family experienced trying to remember/translate what I was saying into the more normal syntax. My first impression of Levantine Arabic is that it is very informal, as they seem to do away with many of the annoying grammatical constructs of MSA. I picked up many words and phrases in just 24 hours, so if for no other reason, the trip was worth it just for improving my Arabic!

Manar gave us an extensive walking tour of her city (mostly at night, however). Haifa is right on the Mediterranean, so there is a modest amount of humidity. However, it is built around a small mountain, so as we weaved our way up it got noticeably cooler (and quieter)!

Haifa is a fascinating cultural melting pot, whose boundaries are surprisingly well-delineated. That is, the various ethnic towns are sharply defined by street boundaries and announced by abrupt changes in language as well. From Arabs to Russians to Pakistanis (throwing in some Urdu) to Indonesians, pretty much everyone is represented in the city. I was also intrigued to hear of a secret religious society called the Druze, where only members 40 years old or older are permitted to join and then promptly sworn to secrecy. Because of this, no one really knows who they are or what they stand for — only that they have a stake in Haifa too!

It was also nice to notice the how covered with solar panels the rooftops of Haifa are. This is because by Israeli law, every new building must have its water heated by a solar water heater!

As cool as the city was, we had to turn in somewhat early to get up for the bus the next day. Unfortunately, due to the heat and some pretty aggressive mosquitoes, I didn’t get a single second of shut-eye that night. However, I was still excited to head out for Nablus the next day, as it would be my first time in the West Bank.

The Palestinian territories are divided up into Areas A B and C, although the boundaries are ill-defined. Basically, the letters mean that if you have an Israeli passport, you are not allowed to visit anything under Area A. Of course, people have been known to sneak in, or just use their American/other passport if they have dual citizenship. Anyone can take the bus into the West Bank like we did, but if you get caught trying to exit the military checkpoint with an Israeli passport, it’s a good bet you’re going to jail (or at least not getting back across!).

Nablus is a fairly large city compared to the rest of the territories (for a map of the WB, see http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2001/israel_and_palestinians/key_maps/).

We spent much time wandering through the markets, which were crowded but full of enthusiastic vendors and a fascinating selection of exotic foods (for example, sweetened pumpkin!). While I was traveling with a large group including several Arabs, it still felt like a reasonably safe place to be.

My hostess Manar (right) and her mother.

We grabbed a lunch of falafel and hummus (what else?). I had to be careful to avoid using Hebrew for basic things, just to not offend any Arabs. The sense of Arab pride around the city was almost tangible. Even back in the Arab parts of Haifa, it was common to see graffiti that said things like “Every lemon tree is OUR lemon tree.” While there were no openly armed citizens in Nablus, it was sad to see the large number of “martyr” posters:

A typical assortment of posters. What's really sad is that some of the featured faces actually belonged to children.

As I learned more about the history of the territories and the people, the only thing that became clearer was how complex the current conflict truly is. The Arabs were oftentimes severely repressed after the creation of Israel in 1948. Even now, despite official IDF policy it is not uncommon to hear of military brutality. When the military consists largely of drafted 18-21 year olds getting excited in their first deployment, perhaps this is not so surprising. Of course, my visit is at a relatively stable time period, in contrast to just a few years ago when Israelis near the settlements lived in constant fear of suicide bombings. So clearly, both sides have a history of unjust treatment — but you have to talk to people from both backgrounds AND know at least a little history yourself to really understand this!

While the remnants of the second intifada in the 90s and the evident “martyr” culture were certainly still visible, the citizens of Nablus (Palestinian-Israeli, Ethiopian, etc.) were just going about their daily lives like anyone else. The graffiti and poetry scrawled on walls was not as inflammatory as one might have expected, although it is true  that urging Palestinians to “resist” can easily lead to outright violence.

Some argue that Israel’s bureaucratic system remains  stacked against Arabs, so that it can often take years just to get permission to build a house, for example. If so, this has likely contributed to the rise of the numerous Bedouin communities in the south that live without electricity and taxes — the same ones my bus back home to Sede Boker drives by! These settlements are themselves an issue unto themselves that some students on campus are studying — the role of women in these tribal cultures (numbering around 25 or so throughout the whole country) is especially important, given that the horrific and primitive practice of honor killing is still common (thanks in part to shari’a law).

In any case, it was a relief to see that visiting a political hotspot like the West Bank doesn’t mean dodging violent demonstrations or enduring rampant anti-Semitism. After bidding a fond goodbye to my new Arab family, we took a couple hours’ worth of buses to finally make it back to the Negev. It was a truly eye-opening and enriching experience, especially because of my “insider” connection. I look forward to my next adventure!

Back to work

June 6th, 2011 by sjh2

After a thoroughly relaxing weekend, I am back to work at the solar center. We recently had our big lab day, which involved taking voltage/current curves for three different panels with instruments that look like this:

An IV curve tracer, connected to a laptop and sample PV panel.

I am also nearing the end of my first coding assignment, which simulates theoretical annual AC power yield for a variety of sun collector configurations, based on measured hourly meteorological data. We will then use it to run more recent 2010 data, and try to improve it with empirical corrections.

Gadgets are fun!

Meanwhile, there were plenty of ibex to welcome me back!

We get the next two days of work off for the shavuot holiday (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shavuot), so there is high potential for more traveling adventures. Stay tuned!

The Dead Sea trip with MIT

June 5th, 2011 by sjh2

This weekend I finally got the chance to do some serious traveling. There is another summer intern in the solar energy center (conveniently, also named Sam!) who is visiting from MIT. It turns out there are actually dozens and dozens of MIT interns scattered across the country as part of a certain international program, so they are all networked together and organize trips time to time. I was invited to represent the South and tag along with the Boston crew to the Dead Sea, and it couldn’t have been a greater time.

View of the beach at Ein Gedi.

We managed to find the right bus from Beer Sheva to Ein Gedi — about 2 hours and $10. We settled on a youth hostel that was so affordable (especially with 9 people) and comfortable that it was impossible to refuse.

View from our balcony at the hostel.

After securing our reservation, we walked down to the Ein Gedi beach (less than ten minutes away!) and experienced the famous Dead Sea treatment — complete with a mud bath and all. The water was still and perfect temperature, and it really was impossible not to float!

Toasting with some fruit juice after a mud bath.

The mud is supposed to have some special therapeutic properties for one’s skin. I’m not sure about that, but it was still relaxing and fun smearing on! It is harvested from what looks like an oily sinkhole, and applied liberally in globs.

Because of the shabbat, there were no buses running until Saturday evening, so we had extra time to spend hiking in the Ein Gedi nature reserve. There are a series of waterfalls that one may swim in:

At the base of the head of the waterfalls.

The trails also wind around the rocky hills, some of them taking up to 4 hours to complete. While it was too hot by this time to attempt one of these, we pressed on a bit to get a breathtaking view of the Sea in its (almost) entirety.

View of the lowest place on Earth!

The hostel was generous and let us check out later that afternoon, so there was only a bit of time to kill at the beach before hailing a taxi van to take us back. This is considered a bit above hitch-hiking, although most of th vans are informally operated. We made it from our hostel to the hotel district (about 20  miles away), then did some hard bartering to find another van that would take us to Arad. This was accomplished by ultimately getting four drivers involved, and arguing with each other over who saw us “first.” In the end, we got a great rate to Arad, and then caught a bus back to Beer Sheva to recover our things left from our stay at BGU the night before. It was one last connection for the Sam’s, and after 49 hours of traveling, swimming and hiking we were finally home in Sede Boker.

But there was one more surprise waiting for me in my room: a desert spider so big it was nearly the size of my hand.

The picture to the left on the wall is maybe a foot tall.

We had to shoo him out of my room into the hallway, but were too tired and (honestly) afraid to go anywhere near this sucker. These spiders are non-poisonous, but they are known to bite and could probably withstand a smack with a frying pan.

After over 20 minutes of head-scratching/staring, we decided to just let him be in the hallway and finally go to bed. Apparently, the staff squished him the next morning!

EDIT: it was correctly pointed out that this thing actually has 10 legs, not the typical eight. A bit of research suggests it is still called a camel spider, and that the extra appendages are for eating/intimidation purposes.

Not exactly the ideal "welcome home" token.

So, that basically sums up an awesome weekend at the Dead Sea with a bunch of cool people from MIT! There are plans to take the upcoming shavuot holiday (four day weekend) and go to Petra (Jordan), although this will require substantially more planning than the “show up and hope there are cheap hostels/houses/tents for beach camping we can rent” approach that somehow panned out this time. Stay tuned!